
Pcea Kiserian


A Place to Belong.

Pcea Kiserian pcmf

About PCMF

The origin of Presbyterian Church men fellowship (PCMF) can be traced way back to the General Assembly of 1973, resolution 1154. However this resolution on the idea of beginning of the matters pertaining to men was not accepted until the General Assembly of 1987 revived the matter of establishing the men’s organization under minutes 3835. It has been realized that the majority of church men, apart from those who are deacons or elders did not have a recognized from or spring board from which their individual and corporate contributions could be utilized in the church. The aim of forming a new organization as stipulated in the GA of 1973 resolution was:

  • Bringing men together.
  • Be united Christian force.
  • For fellowship.
  • For exchange of ideas concerning matters of faith, witness and service to Jesus Christ and other men.
  • Exploiting their talents in serving God.

Spiritual Maturity of Man and service to the glory of God.

To be United Christian force of Men for faith witness and Service to Jesus Christ.

-Intergrity Faithfulness.



-Passion and Zeal.


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