The media ministry is a church group amongst many others that operates in the church as per the church guidelines and the mandates given to the team by the church L.C.C. the sole main purpose of the team in the church is to ensure that there is effective, audible and very clear communication in the church during all the church services, during any other function that requires media coverage and the eKanisa SMS services done via the Safaricom service provider to all the registered church members.
Media team started some years back with the simple amplifiers and other few accessories by then our sounds controller Mr. Moses Mbiriri was in charge. Some years later the church L.C.C together with some members who were able to procure a church laptop and three screens which were used to project bible readings and church hymns at the time Mr. Lee Kimani and Douglas Muthui joined hand with Mbiriri.
The department had a lot of problems since the manpower by then was not well equipped with the handling and management of the system. In most cases the system would shut down and the church would go back the hard copy way. Around the year 2019 the then L.C.C Chair Mr. Samuel Wagura contacted a group eKanisa with the aim of implementing the off-line church projection and the church information storage suing the system. Several members lead by the system admin Mr. Kamau Karera, church registrar Jeff Kirumba and group leaders were trained on how to work using the system. The system had so far been very effective in the communication and data collection and storage in the church.
The outbreak of COVID-19 on March 2021 though a pandemic came as a blessing to the media team. The church chair came with the idea of continued evangelizing to the flock at home following total closure of worship places by the government. Together with a team comprising Kamau Karera, Mochu Peter, Lee Mburu, Leah Gitari, Moses Mbirir, Onesimus, cate among others the team started experimenting on having online service every Sunday.
The group worked tirelessly where every possible way was tested such as using members quality phones, MiFi’s and cameras. The group would meet each day from morning to night to make this a reality. When the dream started becoming a reality the L.C.C Chair procured a Church Camera, a desktop and other gadgets required for an online transmission. This was the birth of an ever-improving online service transmission from PC.E. A Kiserian church. After the church has procured more electronics and screen to improve the system. The media team today is church group which is very vital to every church program that takes place. The group is a fully constituted church group with an office in place. its first official group were inducted on Dec 19th at P.C.E.A Olooltepes church. The officials are
The committee shall advise their respective courts and assemblies on matters pertaining to education. These committees shall be meeting regularly to plan, take action and prepare reports to the courts of the Church and others concerned. The committees shall pay particular attention to the teaching of pastoral instruction in schools, including all aspects of religious education and pastoral care in schools The committee shall seek to understand all current education policies, education Acts commissions and their reports on education in Kenya for their information and guidancet
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